Sunday, 3 February 2008

The First Post

Right, here goes the first post...

To be quit honest, the idea of a blog just jumped to my head today after a browsing a fellow-saudi's blog, I thought I would try blogging after all, how hard can it be ?

Lets start from the basics:
-I'm a Saudi
-Obviously I'm not overjoyed with the KSA position right now, and i realize its a difficult time from the country, and mostly its people - hence the name of the blog
-When i say that, by no means do I "Predict a riot" - I like to think that Kaiser Chiefs will find KSA rather different from the UK.
-This Blog will be limited to commentary on news, and thoughts that i feel a must share as a saudi
-Please do not let the mostly pessimistic style with bitter Irony get you away from here.
-This is my first shot at blogging, so please send some feedback, especially if you are a fellow blogger/saudi

Thank you for taking the time.

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