Sunday, 10 February 2008

Through The RDF

Everyone seems to be living in a Realty Distortion Field, A certain environment that shrouds realty, and makes lies believable. Philosophers like Nietzsche said that the mind 'philosophizes'.
People think about things, then try to adapt them to their own convention of truth. I'm certain many of us do this, for example, have you ever tried to translate a Traditional Saudi idea to a non-saudi ? you will find yourself spinning the explanation around to adapt it to a convention acceptable to both of you, whereas when explaining the same point to a saudi (who share many conventions with you) It is not necessary to 'spin'.

The real point is the RDF (apologies to all sj fans for burrowing the RDF) or the 'Bubble' everyone lives in, you know you are in the bubble when you allow yourself to temporary believe in something you don't, for the benefit of ingratiation.

This happens many times in the context of our lives, but its by no means acceptable - we tend to look at it as a necessity, but we realize inside that it is no more than a lie.

When the prophet (pbuh) was asked: Does a believer commits adultery ? "yes", Does a believer steal ? "yes", Does a believer lie ? "No". 

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